Reviving the Mosul Cultural Museum, an Iraqi Modernist Icon
In February 2015, months after ISIS captured Mosul, the group published a video of the destruction of the Mosul Cultural Museum. Although the city was retaken by the army in July 2017, the site remains significantly damaged and is closed to the public.
In 2020, World Monuments Fund (WMF) joined the Mosul Cultural Museum Rehabilitation Project, led by an international coalition including the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH), the Musée du Louvre, the Smithsonian Institution, and the International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas (ALIPH), to return the museum to the citizens of Mosul and to allow it to showcase Iraq’s rich culture once again.
Slideshow photographs are courtesy of the Iraq State Board of Antiquities and Heritage, the Smithsonian Institution, Massimiliano Baldieri, Jala Makhzoumi, and Ali Al-Baroodi and Moyasser Naseer.