Tamba Wari
1996 World Monuments Watch
The meandering course of the Indus River in Pakistan brought an end to the life of a richly populated area that centuries ago thrived on maritime trade. The remains of the mosque of Tamba Wari in Sindh lie approximately 50 kilometers southeast of Karachi. The mosque is one of the earliest and best examples of a synthesis of Islamic and Hindu art. The remaining stone foundations, walls, columns, and decorative details stand in a salty flood plain. Frequent flooding undermines the foundations' stability and causes additional decay of fallen stone building elements. In addition, neglect has encouraged vandalism, including unauthorized excavation. The French Archaeological Mission in Sindh, in cooperation with various local organizations, proposes to carefully document each stone of Tamba Wari and relocate the remains. In this instance, the controversial approach of moving a historic structure is considered to be the only viable means of saving the ruins.
Since the Watch
Within six months of World Monuments Watch listing, the Indus River had completely swept the 10th-century site away. February 2011