A Diary of Work at Ani: Part VII
In August 2011, the Istanbul-based documentation company Solvo-Tek, lead by Mr. Bora Sayin, completed phase 1 of work at the Church of the Savior. Work included documenting the structure and its site using digital photography, terrestrial laser scanning, GPS survey, and digital HDR panoramic photography. The team photographed and scanned the standing remains of the church and the fallen wall sections in-situ before their removal to an area adjacent to the church next spring. Panoramic photographs of the general area were also taken to put the site within the general context of the larger site and its relationship to other structures, such as the neighboring cathedral and the surrounding topography.
Seventh Day
We tested the scanner last night to see if there are any glitches or malfunctions, but luckily we got it working without any problems. So we went to the site very early in the morning in order to complete the scans before the weather got hot. I guess we were also lucky to have only a few visitors around the structure, so we were able to complete the scans without any interference.